Drifting on Arroyo
Drifting on Arroyo
Episode 122 - Back to Drifting: Tales of Tech Woes and Tools
Welcome to our latest episode of Drifting on Arroyo Podcast, where laughter and honest conversations intertwine! From the get-go, our podcast sparks with energy as we navigate technical challenges and explore fan interactions that lead to spontaneous banter. This episode stands out with a humorous mix-up as we discuss artists RZA and SZA, making for memorable content that our audience will relate to and enjoy.
The episode unravels as we share poignant stories from our community, including a touching moment when a dedicated listener offered much-needed assistance to a tradesman affected by devastating fires. This episode reminds us of the power of compassion and community in the face of adversity.
Collectively, we dip into the world of trading cards, diving deep into our experiences as collectors while sharing thrilling stories about card redemptions that have our listeners on the edge of their seats. This interesting hobby evokes nostalgia as it reminds us that collecting is more than just a hobby; it’s about the memories we create along the way. This episode encapsulates important reflections on business, personal life, and community ties, leading to a genuine and engaging dialogue with listeners.
Wrap it up with the invitation to connect with us, share your stories, and engage further in the conversation! We’d love to hear from you—subscribe and join us on this journey.
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Welcome back to the Drifting on Arroyo podcast. This is Mig, this is Lano and no rk67. Oh so I guess I should just be staring into the camera then as I speak because, otherwise I gotta got a lot on my back, so that's not really gonna work.
Lano:He had us waiting 30 minutes. I'm on the way, I'm on the way. And then he never showed up. He was having trouble turning his computer on or something.
Mig:I think it's more technical difficulties than that, but I'm pretty sure he'll chew your ass out when he sees you.
Lano:So we're trying to start another streak. So, um, this is, I guess, um Episode 2 of our streak, to keep it going, and Rick already broke it.
Mig:So Episode 2, after the the caca episodes.
Lano:Yeah, and then um Did Ricky? You don't know if he's he's on that 75-day streak. I know he broke it last week, but is he back on it, ready for the marathon?
Mig:I'm pretty sure he stayed on it, right. I think he just fell off the wagon a little bit. That one time. I don't think he got off of it, though He'll still be on it.
Lano:Well, um, luckily, we um we mentioned the phone number, cause we got some calls.
Mig:Oh, people called.
Lano:People called so.
Mig:Are they calling about the fires or the winds, or?
Lano:Um calling about us.
Mig:How much we suck.
Lano:Calling about us. Let me see if I can Get it on the.
Mig:On the air they're ripping us a new one.
Lano:Oh, it's a different window. Alright, so let me see. Alright, so this is the phone call. Let me see if I got this set up correctly.
Mig:Here we go and that hotline number again.
Lano:Oh yeah, read the hotline 323-207-0012 323-207-0-7 0-0-1-2. Alright, call number one.
Speaker 3:Do it. So you guys are back. That's great. After a month and a half you guys are back and we're barely 15 minutes into the show. And Rick you called it Mig, you know what RZA looks like and ask who's RZA? My goodness man, you're such a boomer bro.
Mig:For sure, you were born in the 70s. Dude, I corrected myself, yeah man.
Speaker 3:Come on. You gotta know what's up. Who's the RZA? Come on, man.
Mig:Come on, I didn't know who that CZA was, but I messed up and mumble-mouthed that I am, and I corrected myself after I said it, because after I got the look from Rick and Lionel I realized I said it wrong. But I know who the RZA is.
Lano:RZA and the SZA is S-Z-A. I don't even know how you pronounce it like, unless you hear itVA, that's what I'm saying.
Mig:I kept hearing about this SZA. I'm like, well, who the hell is that? So when I was watching the halftime show, I was expecting another rapper to come out, but no other rapper came out. So I was like, well, who the hell is this SZA? You know cause? That's what I was thinking. I'm thinking, oh, it's probably someone from Wu-Tang. You know, I didn't know about Cause. I know about the RZA. You got Method man and Red man.
Lano:And people are coming back. Method Man's doing some songs. There's people coming back. I'm on your side. I'm on your side.
Mig:But I corrected myself pretty quickly after I said it. I'm not a boomer. You freaking millennial, get your panties out of your bunch and go cry to your therapist or some shit.
Lano:Second call.
Mig:I'm JX, you don't mess with me At 1434.
Speaker 3:Rick says Nah, she featured in a song with him, and all you hear is me goes. Oh, what Like it all just made sense to him. Nah, she featured in a song with him, and all you hear is me goes. Oh, what Like it all just made sense to him. Oh.
Lano:I guess that's when you realize that he was like the guest singer SZA. That's like at the 1434 minute mark 14 minutes and 34 seconds.
Mig:No, but I thought you guys said it was a chick that was singing.
Lano:No, it is a chick. That's what he's saying. Watch, I'll play it again.
Speaker 3:At 14.34. Rick says nah, she featured in a song with them and all you hear is me goes. Oh, like it all just made sense.
Lano:It sounds like.
Mig:I kind of did Because I don't know who the hell she was. That's when it all connected.
Lano:That's the Bear Growl, Mickey's Bear Growl.
Mig:It's called connecting the dots there, mister, once everything lines up and makes sense. That's just a weird way my brain processes shit.
Lano:Call number three.
Speaker 3:Hey, you guys, let's go get. Let's go get that barbecue From that cat. I think he sells it by the beach. He does like the tomahawk steaks. He does the ribs sausages. I sent you guys a video on that a while ago. We got to hit that spot, bro. That's my vote.
Lano:I don't remember that when he said the barbecue, I was thinking of the guy in Englewood that had, like that fish plate Remember the one I sent you? But he said that he sent this one. But I got to go, he sent this one.
Mig:But I gotta go back in the text and look at it yeah, I gotta look at it again, because you guys said so much stuff, man, I get it all confused and everything. We definitely gotta do another food review, though. When we do the food reviews, that that's usually when we do our best shows we just gotta set the the date up.
Lano:I mean, we just gotta do it well yeah, just gotta do it.
Mig:Just, it never gets done.
Lano:Everybody's always Scattered here and there and everywhere, and If you tell me oh, our cameras are going up. If you tell me in advance, I could do it, but like we're just waiting on Mark's and Rick's schedule, oh, Watch out for that bus, guys Gonna get thrown under it.
Mig:That's what this guy loves doing. You know what I'm talking about. Throw thrown under it. That's what this guy loves doing. You know what I'm talking about? Throwing under the bus, dude. The one video I do remember right now and since, we were watching stuff, we were watching a video on Adam Carolla touring Malibu. The fires and everything. Everything got destroyed and I'm assuming he was in his house Because it survived and it's crazy how Everything on the shore, like right on the sand, burned, but his house is like Hundreds of feet Into the hills, didn't? But Seeing all that coverage and everything again, it reminded me of that video you sent of your sister dude that she came out on the news. Oh, right, right, right, you know. And, uh, we never gave her her props or snaps on that dude. Oh yeah, maybe we could post it somewhere. You know it's uh, michelle, good job, you know, for helping that dude out. You know there was um, a resident of Altadena.
Mig:That um had lost everything and he was like, he was like a construction guy, right, like a handyman something like that yeah so he he needed, like a big variety of tools that he says he lost in the fire and um you know my son lano, their their uncle had passed away and I remember lano mentioning his. Their uncle passed away a while back.
Lano:So she inherited his house and all his tools. She inherited a house and all his tools.
Mig:And so she offered him up, you know the guy if he wanted to go see what she had and then he could take like whatever he needed. I was like, oh, that's pretty awesome, dude, that's a pretty good thing for her to do, you know, especially like if you don't know what to do with the tools or anything yeah, because she's been cleaning it up and then like she doesn't know what to do with those tools.
Lano:Yeah, you know.
Mig:So that's good, but the one thing that got me man and typical freaking lano being the jerk that he is, you know, instead of just saying yeah, you know, good job, sis, you know way, way to go, you know way to way to help someone out, what is this jerk saying? The text message that he sends me oh, I could use some of those tools. Well, I don't know, really, because homeboy just lost everything, dude, and you're worried about what?
Lano:you could have used, because now, now I'm starting a family, so like I'm starting my tool collection, please, for stuff that I need. I need for um to keep the household in order but did it burn down?
Lano:no, it didn't, but it was everything but then, um, she, yeah, I I kind of just peeked and see what what they had. But, um, so my co was asking me because I had sent it to my friends at work, and they're like, did they pick up the tools? I was like I don't know. So then I texted my sister. This was actually yesterday. I texted my sister and she's like, oh no, the guy picked them up that same day right after the interview. They went over there and then he picked them up and then he's actually, um, like helping out the neighborhood, like like board up their, um, their property, like, I guess, like board up their windows or secure the gates, so like looters can't come in and all that stuff, pay it forward dude, but he's been helping out um over there just like secure the, the lots and stuff, so I mean that ended up working out good well, good job, michelle.
Lano:I'm proud of you she knew his name and stuff and I think, um, like they kept in touch and stuff, cause she's like oh, so and so, yeah, yeah.
Mig:Cause I know I know your brother Wouldn't have opened up His heart that way. So Good thing you were in charge Of those tools and not him.
Lano:Yeah, so she just Inherited the house A year before and then the fires came and we were like, oh man, but luckily, like her street, the house is up there near altadena also no, it's in altadena, yeah it's an altadena. Oh wow, I didn't know that so, like when the fires, I was like, oh, easy come, easy go. I thought she lost it, but um no, she, it's a. It skipped her street.
Mig:You're a dick what an ass dude.
Lano:I swear I was like with my sister's luck, like we lost it, but um so, apparently like it's a duplex, so my uncle was living in the back renting out the front okay and then, um, so there was a couple that that, um, my sister's been been cleaning out the back house and there was a couple that lives in the front and, um, so they have like two big um pitbulls, so because there's a yard and everything. So when they had to evacuate, um, I guess they didn't have like places like family to go to, so they had to go like to the hotels or whatever the gyms that they're offering housing. But since they had the two dogs, they had to separate. So then, my sister, now that, like, I guess the neighborhood's open again, yeah.
Lano:She called them back oh, the neighborhood's open again. Yeah, she called them back. Oh, the neighborhood's open again. You guys could come back. And the the lady told her like oh, you know what? Um, this time, like these past, whatever, I've been having time to think about it and you know I'm not gonna go back really, but she's separating with the guy oh because they've been living separate, because yeah, because of the dogs.
Lano:So, um, she was gonna find out if the guy was going to come back, because she was about to rant and all that stuff. But then she said that he's coming back, but the girl's not coming back with him. So that relationship didn't survive, the fire didn't make it crazy alright, call number 4.
Speaker 3:I almost hung up. I almost dropped off at 59.30.
Speaker 3:I found out that Lano didn't listen or hasn't watched Gladiator and only watched the parts. Man, that's a movie you gotta watch, like every year. Every couple of years you put it on. You know what I mean. Remember who you are. You're a fucking soldier. You know what I mean. Can't trust people, blah, blah, blah. You know I mean kind of like prepare you, but I don't know, man, every time, lano, every time, bro, I'm always rooting for you, but then you send some weird ass music. You're still stuck and you don't even watch the right movies, bro. You know what you need, man. You need some west watson in your life. That's what you need. You need some Wes Watson in your life, bro, man up.
Mig:Alright, try to tell you, mark, but you don't want to listen.
Lano:So what's he saying on the last line? What's he saying?
Mig:Wes Watson or I don't know. What did he say? I don't know.
Lano:I was reading it but I don't know. The transcript Says Wes Watson or watson or something I don't know.
Mig:What does that mean? I don't know, might be author of a book or something, or maybe one of those motivational dudes, or like uh goggins, you know well, I forgot to charge these lights in the studio so they went outside of it's dark on YouTube. But that's right. It just means it's more intimate.
Lano:Um, well, if you notice the movies I haven't seen, the thing about them Is they're long movies, so I gotta set the time Aside to watch them and then, now that I have the kids, I gotta either stay up late or wake up early To watch these movies. And I was trying to see gladiators this weekend. I was trying to see it because I wanted to see two so we could talk about the show, and I just I just never got around to doing it. But, um, I'm trying to watch it because we made that list, that group list. I added gladiators on that list so we could see, and then no one else added anything to the list. Did you get the list? You open it?
Mig:I, I saw it, but I didn't open it yeah, hasn't opened it.
Lano:The only one who was interested about the list was Mark, but it's on there. I'm going to try to see it. I'll try this week because I want to see it. And then I really didn't know the story, but I was watching the trailer and I was like, oh, I think I'm going to like this. And now I'm curious about how part 2 is going to do it. It's the Like same era, right or right after.
Mig:I think it takes place, maybe like 15. 20 years after Okay. It's all like Roman time, but yeah, it's still the same era and everything.
Lano:But I am going to see it Because that's a movie that everybody has Like one of their top like five movies. Yeah, it is dude.
Mig:But that one like Godfather I haven't seen, because that's a movie that everybody has as one of their top five movies.
Lano:Yeah, it is dude, I mean, but that one like Godfather I haven't seen Because those are just long movies. It's just like to set aside.
Mig:How about?
Lano:Three hours.
Mig:How about A man on Fire? Have you seen A man on Fire?
Lano:No, I've seen that one yeah.
Lano:That's the one with Dakota Fanning right.
Mig:The that one's good dude, that one.
Lano:I've seen that one multiple times, I think we talked about it last year and then I went and saw that one again.
Mig:That one really like tugs at your heart, dude, because that little girl dude she just makes you like fall in love with her dude, like when they find out that she was possibly dead. Right, you're kind of like man. It's like you get so pissed off and shit.
Lano:It's all like the trafficking and stuff right, yeah. Child trafficking.
Mig:Well, not trafficking Back when the kidnapping.
Lano:Oh, kidnapping Because they're in Mexico. Right, they're in Mexico. They go to private school.
Mig:So during that time when they would target rich people or tourists or Americans and kidnap them for ransom?
Lano:Yeah, Now One of my favorite Actors, kevin Costner, denzel Washington. I was thinking like these are like guys I would like to get a movie, but they might all be in that whole Hollywood scandal. So that's what's worrying about me.
Mig:I mean it's gonna be hard, dude. I mean it's like the whole thing. You started hearing Rumors about Tom Hanks and everything.
Speaker 3:And more and more it's starting to turn out to be true.
Mig:That's why, to me dude, I've never Really been like Starstruck or Followed people or odd or yeah? You know followed people. Got odd, or yeah? Or you know followed people or directors or got in, so invested, you know, and then crushed afterwards. It's like how someone you know it's like like, say, someone kind of like a favorite actor, whatever, and they pass away you know. It's like you never met him or anything. But you're right there in tears, bawling dude, like it feels your your close relative, you know.
Lano:Like when Michael Jackson passed away. People go crazy. Shit like that dude I'll never understand. Dude, it's like.
Mig:I don't know who the hell I said. The only person I said that I would possibly be that broken up over that I've never met is Vin Scully, but only because of that personal connection. You know that you make with them over the radio, hearing them call the games. And he personalized it so much. You know that he made you feel like you were there with them Watching the games.
Lano:I remember, like Bobby, just hearing stories, a Dodger game in the background.
Mig:You know, eating, drinking some beer Dude, that was the best and I think, you know, I think that's why I kind of dropped off.
Mig:From being like such a diehard Dodger fan that I was.
Mig:It's like because, to me, to watch a game at home with Vince Scully or listen to him hear him on the radio, it was everything.
Lano:And I feel that way with the Lakers and Chick Hearns. And that's why, when he left, I kind of like stopped listening or following.
Mig:You know, and even though I'm like I'm a fan of baseball, I couldn't watch other teams or coverage of other teams, because the announcing just sucked. Like it wasn't Vince Scully, you know, and I just I needed to hear him and his play by play and his stories and Just everything, dude. I mean the guy knew how to do it, you know. And he just made it Seem so Effortless Like every call Was like the perfect call. Yeah.
Lano:Like almost every situation, every home, home run or Whatever it was.
Mig:He knew when to talk and when not to talk. You know, it's like big, big thing, like With everything to do with Kirk Gibson's big home run. He could have been yapping away Through all that, but he's like. I think at one point he had said Just listen, I'm gonna let, I'm gonna stop talking right now so you can hear this crowd. You know, and just let it go. You know, or his Less is more.
Mig:Yeah, and then, like his famous quotes, dude, you know the Kirk Gibson home run In the year Of the Improbable, the impossible happens.
Mig:That's iconic man.
Lano:That wasn't written down. That's off the top of.
Mig:When Valenzuela, I think, threw his no hitter or his perfect game. You know, it's like I'm sure right now some idiot out there Is gonna say that it was offensive. You know, it's like I'm sure right now some idiot out there is going to say that it was offensive, you know, and he was being racist when he said it.
Lano:I don't remember what he said. What did he say?
Mig:Well, he said, if you have a sombrero, throw it in the air.
Lano:Oh, like to celebrate? No, but that's. He was talking to the people, but that's what I'm saying, you know.
Mig:And I'm sure right now there'll be some idiot out there that'll find that offensive, you know, just because they need to find something to get their panties in a bunch over. You know, but the dude knew how to call it man, you know, it was like I just I just loved hearing like his stories. You know, it's like throughout the game, dude, he'd be telling his stories, you know, and here and there it'd be like two-on-one, you know, or you know, here comes the one-one pitch, you know.
Lano:So when I was younger I used to work at a market and the logo of the market I'm not going to say the name, but it had like like a little, like you know, the Mexican Taking his break, like under a cactus, like with the sombrero, like you know, covering his face. That was the logo. And then At the time I was working At the corporate office and we received Like a letter Like saying Remove it, it's offensive and stuff. But me, being Mexican, I never thought that was offensive, like that's what, like.
Mig:That's what I'm saying. You see that everywhere.
Lano:You see that like Speedy Gonzalez, his cousin Slowpoke Gonzalez, whatever, like. Those are just characters I never like. Took it personally Like I don't know how you feel about that.
Mig:No, it's dumb dude, I mean it's dumb what people are offended by you. You know it's like you can't Just be so delicate over nothing. You know it's like this world would be a lot better place If people would be able to handle more and just laugh shit off.
Mig:You know, it's like um. I was watching um A clip the other day Of Of Four actors. You know cause? Right now it's like Supposed to be Black History Month and they were supposed to be making a big deal about it.
Mig:Morgan Freeman dude said it the best. He's being interviewed by what's his name? Old white dude, I forget what his name was, but he had asked him like what? What he, what he thought about a black history month or whatever. And you know, margaret freeman was like well, what I think about what he's like? Do you think it's you know right that we should be celebrating whatever he's like he's like? Do you think it's you know right that we should be celebrating or whatever he's like? No, and the guy was like whoa, like why? You know it's like you're going to relegate my history to just one month.
Mig:Which has been my point exactly, you know. It's like how are you going to put just one month for, like, forget about black, you know, for any race, you know, and that's the point that he brought up. Also, he's like when is it your month? And he's like, oh well, I'm jewish. He's like okay, so when is the jewish history month? He's like, oh, we don't have one, he's like, but I don't want one. And morgan freeman's like I don't want one either right right.
Mig:You know, it's like when you look at me, you shouldn't see color, you should just see an American, and everything that I am and everything that came before me is American history. It shouldn't be black history. It shouldn't be Hispanic history, it shouldn't be Chinese American history. It shouldn't be this, that, whatever, no, we're in America, it's American history Period't be this that. Whatever, no, we're in America, it's American history Period. That's it, no, no other thing. Cause when? If people would just start seeing Everybody like that and stop All this stupid Um identity politics, the world would be way better. All this stupid Identity politics, the world would be way better.
Lano:Because what is Hispanic Is that September, like because of Al Grito, like the independence or Like I don't know, like what? No, like they just picked that month.
Mig:No, and that's the other thing. No, the only, the only month they they officially relegate Is Black History. Yeah, february Right. No, the only. Month they officially Relegate is black history, february Right, and I think it's Bullshit, it's insulting. You know, it's like what you think we're, you know we're. So what's the word I'm looking for? You see, for me it. It's offensive Because even affirmative action. I find affirmative action offensive, because if you need affirmative action to get a job or to get into a college.
Lano:It should be merit-based, which is the best person for the job.
Mig:Affirmative action is just telling me that because of your skin color or because of your cultural background, or because of this or that, you know it's like we know you're not going to be smart enough to get in, so let's do a special little entrance for you to get in. If you put it like that, dude, to people, and if they see it that way, how offensive is that shit right, why doesn't that piss you off that? To me that that's what that affirmative action is the backdoor.
Lano:They're letting you in like yeah if, if they're not getting in, then that that culture or race is gonna like work harder to get in you're gonna, they're gonna, you're gonna build up like you know the strain. They're gonna be deserving to be there. Yeah, like they earned it, but uh, no. I've been on the opposite side of affirmative action lots of times and you know, I think I think it's bullshit.
Mig:I think just people need to just stop seeing color and race and everything and just live as Americans, man, and just be proud of this great country, and you can say all you want that it's racist. But all I know is that we've already had a black president that was in there for eight years. He made the country worse because he truly divided it Into black against white, rich against poor, you know. But he was so charismatic and such a snake oil salesman that he had everybody in a trance, you know. But whatever.
Lano:No, at the time, I mean, I think you said it too, but like he spoke well, like remember, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I, I think you said it too, but like he spoke well, like remember we were all. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:That's what.
Mig:I'm saying you know it's like, it's like as long as it's like Newsome. Newsome's another one dude. He's a slick Talker, he's a con man. You know it's like he could talk his way Into anything. But does that mean he's good for us? No, cause he's running. He's ran California To the ground for the past six years or whatever. It was like he already. Cause of him, they burned down the Palisades and Malibu and Altadena. It's all on him. So Anyways, I don't want to get off on a political ramp, but Well, last weekend.
Lano:So MLS LAC had their opening day. On Saturday, ralph, he invited me over to the game. I couldn't make it because we're celebrating with the in-laws on.
Lano:Ellie's birthday, but then it was a bobblehead day, so the in-laws ended up. They all wanted to go to the game, so we ended up going to the game and I um ellie's birthday. But then, there, it was a bobblehead day, so, um, the in-laws ended up. They all wanted to go to the game, so we ended up going the game, and I saw ralphie down there too oh cool he was telling me that, um that the the wrestling season finished, so so he has time.
Lano:He wants to do an interview how did his daughter do? Um fourth place, all city oh nice fourth place for her, for her weight division, which is, which was what she did last year. She was fourth place, so she didn't make the state term. I guess the top three make state, but she was Fourth place. And then he just says you know, in the off season she needed to. You know, like, work out, do something like weight lifting, and she took the off season off, but he said the the second year around.
Lano:You know, everybody came back stronger and bigger. So that's why. But um, she noticed it and I guess um she's gonna work harder, and this and that.
Lano:But we're just talking about how, um, the kids, sports are like just so, so expensive. You're saying that, um, they had to do a fundraiser and then the second daughter's in drill team and he said, that's a set to join drill team, is this 800 bucks? Wow, it's for I don't know, their, their equipment, all this stuff and the wrestling. Um, they had the funders that are raised 500. And then that's just like to get in the door and then the training, the practice, all that stuff adds up. But, um, he says again his weekends, um, again, cause that took over their life.
Mig:For the whole wrestling scene. No, that's good man. I mean it's good that he's there for his daughters, you know, and supporting them in what they want to do.
Lano:So I was at the game, and then they sell cards at the game soccer cards.
Mig:Did you buy any?
Lano:I didn't buy any. I was tempted, but they have the small boxes. What were the small boxes? I was going to get the the price, but I was like, do you think everything's just like random? Like, let's say, like there'll be more hot cards at the game or or um cities, because that big um paul skeens car like was picked up in la, it wasn't picked up like in yeah, like is it really random where they don't know where the shipments go?
Mig:I'm not sure, dude. I mean, I want to say I'm hoping that, yes, it is random, but who knows, who knows. What I can tell you, though, is that they did realize that, with so much, how big the retail market is Like selling at the big box stores. And everything that they could drive their product a lot better if they put more better hits in the retail stuff, which is what's been kind of happening lately, because I've been buying.
Mig:That's the breaker box right it's whatever you find, that target, or walmart oh, that's the retail box. That's the retail box, yeah. So yeah, that's the box they had at the game, the retail box. Yeah, because they call them either blasters or hanger packs you know, because they hang from the shelf.
Mig:You know so, and those usually always tended to just be base cards. Like if you wanted to complete a set. So you really never got like any good hits in it. But they're kind of changing that, they're turning that around. Well, they did turn it around and now it's possible to get something good out of those. That's why you never find them yeah that's why you go to walmart you go.
Lano:They never have them.
Mig:Target you want to target and the shelves are always empty. It it's like all the good stuff disappears and they leave the junk behind.
Mig:I don't want to say that Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon are junk, because a lot of that stuff is really valuable also, but they obviously know which ones to pick up and which ones not to. You know, like a lot of the college products they leave behind because those aren't really all that valuable. You know that a lot of college products they leave behind because those aren't really all that valuable. You know that would be something that you want, like if you want to put your own personal collection.
Lano:You go to that school, you know that player or something whatever.
Mig:You know, but I've been wanting to Because I saw Tops Brought back my favorite set of all time Tops Chromebook Football.
Lano:So they didn't have that for a while.
Mig:They didn't have it for like decades Because they lost the licensing, so they didn't think it would Fly If they Put out a product unlicensed do they have a superstar because they have a mls, like there's a tops chrome and then top superstar. So those are just completely different sets like they don't connect or honestly, dude, you would have to go on to the tops website to see, like the breakdowns of what they have and what they don't. Cause the MLS. I'm not really familiar with it so.
Mig:I wouldn't know how it breaks down, you know. But I know With Topps, you know like, especially with baseball, they have what's called the very first product that comes out for them on the baseball season Would be Topps Series 1 and that's just like basic, basic cardboard with like good stuff sprinkled in, and then you know, you get like series two and then you get is that the one where everybody waits for, like the with the trades and and the rookies, or something like that.
Mig:Like that that would be series two yeah, there's two you know, and then like the tops chrome, you know, and then the update is one with all the the rookies and everything because what's after chrome? I saw something like um well, dude, the tops have so much stuff for baseball, it's like they got like stones or like emerald or something, or yeah, they got the regular. They got the regular tops. You know series one, series two, then they got the tops chrome.
Lano:They got tops chrome sapphire sapphire, that's the one, because it's also soccer sapphires. But I'm like what is this?
Mig:the whole nother set yeah, then they got, uh, they got throwback sets like uh allen and ginter, which those were fun to, those were fun to collect. Um, they got like heritage. You know they got tribute, you know they got a bunch of stuff.
Lano:I mean it's, it's because then, like on youtube, we saw that one where it was like, um, just all about Otani. It was like a set of Otani, there's one yeah.
Mig:Cause, uh cause of his 50, 50.
Lano:Right, it was just like a whole set, like by packs of Otani and you have to like collect them or something.
Mig:Yeah, so they'll. They'll do stuff like that. You know, you just gotta keep up with it. You know and know what what's out there and what's available and what they're putting out there. It's like I'm sure once another player comes along and does something incredible like that, they'll do it to them, you know what would be for a tiny?
Lano:what would be like 20 wins, 20 home runs, 20? What would be the next big thing? Or 2020, I don't know, Cause now he's gonna be pitching again.
Mig:Yeah, probably something with pitching.
Lano:Yeah, like I mean he won't get like 50 Wins, that's like a lot of wins, nah, but you were telling me Before the show you started you had a card story.
Mig:So Back during COVID I started. When I started collecting again, I got bit by the bug again and started collecting again. I bought this one product For football called Leaf Limited and it's a little more like higher end product. You know, it's about um, about $120 a pack and only like seven cards come in the pack, so it's a little pricey, you know, and you take a chance and, um, I pulled what's, uh, what they call a redemption, which is a card that wasn't ready At the time of production or packing. But they put this.
Lano:Like an IOU kind of thing, an IOU, so they put that in there Like a ticket to get something Right.
Mig:So with the claim code and everything. So you go on their website, you put in the claim code and you put in the claim and your address and everything and Hopefully, when the card's ready, they send it to you.
Lano:Oh, so that's how it works. I thought you just had to mail in blind. You have to like scratch a code off or type in a code. Yeah, and so you do that and they take all your info and everything and you wait, you know, so you just type in the code, you don't actually send anything in, or you do send the card in the redemption card Before.
Mig:So you don't actually send anything in, or you do send the card in the redemption card before you would send the you would mail it in. Okay, but now that everything's done online, now you just enter a code on their website.
Lano:Okay, that seems a little safer.
Mig:Yeah, so, um, so I did that, you know, and, um, I I checked out to see what the card was that I was supposed to receive and it was a Troy Aikman autograph, you know, but it was supposed to be a one-on-one, you know. So it's a pretty ultra-rare card, you know. It's supposed to be like a little booklet card, Dallas, that's how he's played for us, yeah, dallas Cowboys. Well, actually it was a draft day. Oh, so it might have been a UCLA card.
Mig:A UCLA card with him, um, with his autograph, and, I'm assuming, a piece of jersey, because there's a little booklet that opens up.
Mig:You know, and um, if, that would have been nice if you ever look up cards and look up booklet cards, you can see like what I'm talking about. You know it's like super thick, it's like two super thick cards put together like a little book. You know it opens up, it unfolds, know it opens up, it unfolds. So typically, I mean before you would wait maybe up to a year, maybe year and some months before they fulfilled your, your card. You know that it wouldn't take them that long to have it done and send out to you. Now the other option they give you is, if they can't Get the card done for whatever reason, they Offer you the option of a replacement.
Lano:So that means like they couldn't get the signature or the jersey or whatever.
Mig:I'm assuming they couldn't get the signature.
Mig:But I've seen a bunch of Other products After that year that he's autographed, and so I don't know, I don't know what the deal was. So what they do is, you know, if you ask for a replacement, then they won't bother with that anymore and they'll send you out a replacement, hopefully of equal or better value anymore, and they'll send you out a replacement, hopefully of equal or better value. Well, five years later, five years, five years, dude, and in between that I've been calling, I've been writing, emailing. Emails have been ignored.
Lano:You know, it wasn't until I called and actually got someone on the phone so you go to your, your website, the account that shows pending, or yeah, or status in progress or whatever.
Mig:You know. So, and it's the first time I've ever had this problem. It's like I've redeemed a bunch of cards and I've gotten them, no problem, got replacements, you know, whatever. But this first time, you know, it's like, of course, when it's gonna be like a really good card, you know I'm not gonna get it right. So so I finally, you know, made a, called them a couple times and started barking at them. You know it's like dude, it's like where am I gonna get my freaking card, my redemption? You know it's already been five years this is like support.
Mig:Yeah, it's a part, yeah so they're like oh, you know, it's like we, we got you in line already. You know you're in line to get your replacement. Just please be patient, or whatever.
Lano:No, but five years, that's like already ridiculous.
Mig:Yeah, yeah. So this past weekend I didn't check my email until Sunday morning and I saw that I got an email from Panini. You know the manufacturer. And I saw that I got an email from Panini you know the manufacturer and it said that my replacement is on its way and they provided me a tracking number and I checked the tracking number and it showed it was going to get there yesterday, monday.
Lano:I was like, oh shit, cool Is this like UPS, or how does it come?
Mig:Yeah, it came UPS Okay. So I was just hoping it'd get there early enough before I left for work, because otherwise it needed to be signed for oh there wouldn't be nobody signed. You know, they just leave a little post-it, then I gotta go back to the next day or whatever.
Lano:That's just like a warehouse.
Mig:Yeah, I got that anticipation, you know, and I'm like damn man. So. But you know, the good thing is I heard the dogs barking like crazy, so I'm like, oh shit, that's probably him you know, so I went out there, got my Cards and everything, but the thing is, on the email I read that the replacement they were sending me Were five packs Of uh mosaic 2023 Mosaic football.
Lano:Oh, 2023, that's the. That was the same year of the pack, the Troy Rickman. 2023 or no?
Mig:No, no, the one I was supposed to get Was a 2020, so they just, you know, I guess, send me these Random packs 2023, and they, they also put a one white box and I was like white box and I never heard of that you know, I was like I don't know what a white box is NFL white box NFL white box.
Lano:But they do them for all their products.
Mig:So they'll do a baseball one. They have basketballs, you know, they got all of them. So I started doing a little investigating, I started checking out videos on youtube and, yeah, you know, come to find out that that white box they send the card. It's a guarantee to be one-on-one, but what player you get, who knows, you know? And whether it be a jersey card, whether it be an autograph, that box is 101?.
Lano:It's just one card and one box, one card, not a pack. One card.
Mig:No one card.
Mig:And it's marked 101. So I'm like, okay, well, at least I got that going for me. You know it's going to be the same thing. You know they're replacing the 101 with the 101.
Lano:So, um, Normally Like how much does the white box Buy, or you can't buy it. Oh, you can't buy it, okay.
Mig:They send them only as a as a redemption replacement.
Lano:Oh, that's a special Okay.
Mig:Yeah. So you can't, you can't just go and Buy them. I mean, people are signing them On eBay, still sealed, because they sent them to you Sealed. So as long as you don't Break that seal, you can still sell them.
Lano:Uh huh.
Mig:You know and um.
Lano:Did that cross your mind?
Mig:No, For like two seconds. So um, so I got my packs and turns out like when I got the packs, you know I got everything, I opened it up and when I had, when I had seen um Videos on YouTube, you know it showed that it comes encased with their sticker sealing, you know, to make sure it doesn't get tampered with.
Lano:Yeah, because I've seen some people they open a box and like they're already in cases.
Mig:Yeah, and they have like a sticker on them to make sure that they haven't been messed with.
Mig:So the packs that I got were actually what they call a sparkle packs. So these are like special packs that are not in circulation either. You know, it's like you got to get them through like promotions or stuff like that. So I opened those up first and in each of those sparkle packs there was four cards, I believe Four or five cards. Nothing really good came out of those. It like some some average stuff came out, okay stuff, you know, but nothing really like spectacular but they have some value, right.
Lano:They're not just like yeah, yeah, random. I mean I got.
Mig:I got one card. It was a green sparkle number to like eight, so it was really low numbered, okay, so that one's probably worth about 50, 60 bucks, you know. But it wasn't like no big name. Like, say, that same card would have been like a Mahomes or a Josh Allen or you know one of the top rookies or some shit. Then that shit would have been a crazy freaking card. You know we're talking thousands of dollars, right? So nothing, nothing, nothing spectacular came out of those packs that's not the white box yet, that's just the cart.
Mig:So then so, and this whole time when, when they're saying I read that they're gonna send me the redemption, I was thinking should I save it for the show and open this stuff on the show? But as soon as I got it I was like I can't wait, man, I gotta, I gotta see what's in here.
Lano:That could have made us go viral, because it could have been big oh, maybe I mean if it had been a bigger player.
Mig:I mean it was a good card and a pretty big card, but if it was a bigger player, like okay.
Lano:Well, how big is this white box? Because it's only one card.
Mig:It's small, it's oh okay just like the size of a little jewelry box, like, say, something you would give a necklace in all, right all right, so, um, so I go to open up the white box and of course I'm opening it up slowly and I see that it's out of one of their high-end.
Lano:It's in a case or no.
Mig:It's in a case, but the set that it came from is from their ultra-premium, high-end sets which you're talking about. These sets, if you look them up, if you look up like Impeccable, if you look up Flawless, if you look up National Treasures, look up national treasures, these are they're literally like suitcases or little briefcases and maybe only like six or eight cards come in them, but they're like super premium cards and you know they got like rare stuff on them and you know the the cases run four, five, six thousand dollars each I think I see one of those like an opening of those.
Mig:Yeah, so, um, I go to open it and I see that it's out of a flawless set and already I'm getting excited because I'm like shit, that's like a yeah, thousand dollars? Yeah, there's no there's no way I would ever get my hands on a card like this, you know cause? I'm just not going to pay $7,000 for a, for a freaking pack. So then I started. I keep going down and it's a damn uh. John Alway autograph.
Lano:Oh yeah. I'm a hall of famer John.
Mig:Alway. Yeah, john Alway Local kid Granada. Hills. So then I started, I started looking up the value of it and it's hard to tell the value because 101 cards, you know you got no reference.
Mig:It's the only one that exists.
Lano:What year set it? Was it from?
Mig:It was from 2021, no 20. Was it 20 2021? Yeah, 2021, flawless and um. So I looked up other Comparable or something Comparable 101 cards from the same set but like different looking card and they're really not selling anything below $1,000, dude. So I was like, all right, dude, I got a pretty damn good hit here.
Lano:I mean John Elway. I think he's a top five quarterback in anybody's list, Right?
Mig:Yeah, I mean he's still super popular with Broncos fans.
Lano:Is he a GM or no? I don't know if he still is.
Mig:The president or something, something like that. Yeah, he's still involved, I think uh. No, john Lynch was, uh, the Niners.
Mig:Niners, yeah, niners, yeah. So I think he's the president of operations or something for the Broncos.
Lano:Damn it, Broncos.
Mig:Yeah, but he's still big time dude. And now I really want to go to a card show and try to unload some of my high-end stuff dude, because eBay just straight rips you off dude.
Lano:Did you tell your friends about it, that car shop in monrovia or no?
Mig:I haven't been there, oh yeah, and I want to go because, I'm telling you, they released tops chrome football and I went on their website to see how much it's selling for, because I've always loved tops chrome, because it's affordable, you know, and I was expecting to see that maybe they're selling their boxes for like maybe 200, 250 or so, and I jumped on their dude and they're signing up for like 489. Oh, are you guys kidding me, man?
Lano:well, that's why I'm in soccer because you get them around 100 bucks. My wife said we were buying. My wife saw she gave me a set for valentine's day a box and it was like 85. She said she got it for.
Mig:And I've been Like. I've been on YouTube dude Seeing what people are pulling Out of that Topps Chrome dude and, oh man, I want to bite the bullet so hard To just go get one.
Lano:No Cause. I know it's about soccer. I don't know football. It's not every player right, it's just like.
Lano:Random, like not even starters right, just random people yeah, it's not.
Mig:It's not like baseball used to be where, even like the like every single player had no name guys. Yeah, yeah it's like now. It's like they gotta be at least stars is that the way it is now at?
Speaker 3:least like starters yeah, okay you know.
Mig:So you gotta have like some type of star status. You know, if you don't have some type of star status, or reckon what's the word Notoriety Right?
Lano:You know the Instagram age. You have to be a star, you have to know something Social media.
Mig:So if you don't have like a following or whatever, more than likely they're not gonna make a card out of you. You know, like, say um, like who on the dodgers well, it could be.
Lano:I mean, I was gonna say, kiki, he has a card Like he's a shortstop, the utility man, the you know, the pitch hater or something I don't know.
Mig:Who's a backup catcher?
Lano:I don't even know.
Mig:So like there's not going to be a Barnes card made, you know, because he's just a backup catcher and he rarely plays- so there's some players that never get a rookie card unless they're like a draft pick or a star. Yeah.
Lano:Okay, that's crazy.
Lano:I mean your story kind of sounds like. I saw this YouTube video where this guy was on the Nintendo 64. He wanted to get every single color controller that they had. So I didn't think it was like he had the collection on the wall, the colors, but like there was one he was missing and it was like the gold controller. And I was like the gold controller was only given away from like some guy that like beat the game in some convention or something like that, Like it was the grand prize. Oh, yeah.
Lano:It was like some golden controller that the guy had to win the the event at the show and then he was given by nintendo this golden controller that was like a 101 oh crazy and then he finds the guy that has it and ends up like getting it, but like yeah like you say, those are like. Like you said, there's cards or kits that are not in circulation that you have to like yeah go to some convention or some show, or which adds to its reality.
Mig:Party or something which adds to it's rarity, you know, because it's like who's to say that the card that wasn't sent to me, you know that I was supposed to pull If that's going to be sent to someone else after, right, you know. So it's like this one that they sent me, you know, probably Didn't get ready or didn't get claimed At the time because they put they put an expiration date.
Lano:Oh, you have to put in the code or call the number.
Mig:Yeah, they usually give it like a two year, a two year Grace period.
Lano:That's probably two years for someone To find it, pull it or whatever.
Mig:To pull it or whatever you know, but say I go right now and I go buy a 2020 pack. It's already five years later and I pull a redemption. You know they might not have it anymore. It's like you can still send it in and they'll send you something you know, but umances are If it didn't get claimed.
Lano:So people don't sell redemption cards.
Mig:Yeah, I've sold them before.
Lano:Oh, if you Just didn't want it, so you sold it? Or was it a player or a card you weren't interested in? Or just to make a buck?
Mig:Just to make money. You know, it was probably like some rookie or something that I didn't think was going to pan out. So I'm like, maybe get what I can while I can. You know you, just you don't, you don't scratch off the code or anything.
Mig:You know, or some of them have like QR codes on them or something, just like when you put it up for Like on online to sell, you cover up that barcode.
Lano:Or the QR code, like gift cards. It's like like gift cards. It'll be like a sticker on the top covering there, like a scratcher sticker or no kind of like something yeah, well, I I now, now that you already opened it, like you think it would have been a good um white box open up on there. I mean I think john elway would have been like oh, wow, yeah, I mean it's a beautiful card.
Mig:Dude, the card's beautiful. You know that that ticket would have probably been good, wouldn't have been like the give us some rain that box that we open the baseball that would be cool.
Lano:I do want to do another. Um, I mean I'm not going to pitch in for that flawless box, but I do I do want to do another where we all pitch in another card break. The Skeen Sonar already picked it, so I don't know what's out there, what's hot, but yeah, like something we know, like football or something that would be good Like a hot card.
Mig:Yeah, I'm telling you, one of these days, dude, a bug is going to go up my ass and I'm going to go buy one of those boxes of Topps Chrome dude. I might have to bring it in and open it right here.
Lano:All right, I feel like this is a good spot to wrap it up.
Mig:Hope we didn't bore you people We'll have Rick next week, hopefully. Nerding out a little bit over cards and collecting. That's what we do.
Lano:What we do to do what else is out there? I'm collecting records, but nothing crazy.
Mig:There's a lot out there, dude. You'd be surprised.
Lano:When's the last time you've been to Frankincense?
Mig:I haven't been there forever.
Lano:I need to go there though.
Mig:Me, me too, but for right now, keep on drifting, yo Peace.